Why should you attend?

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Why Wood Badge? – Scouting Magazine March-April 2014
“…you’re guaranteed to be recharged and ready to tackle any problem your Scouts throw your way.”

“This is a course that you can use everywhere else in your life,”

“Leaders aren’t hatched; they’re trained.”

What is Wood Badge? – The Ins and Outs of Wood Badge

Wood Badge – More Info about Wood Badge from Scouting.org

“Wood Badge is an exciting, action-packed program designed for councils to provide adult members with leadership skills and experience they can use in their Scouting positions and in other situations demanding leadership of self and others.”

Human Resource Manager Invitation to attend Wood Badge Want to send your employee to one of the best training experiences there is? Want to get your employer on board with your training?

"The course syllabus was written by a team who consulted with nationally renowned organizational consultants including Stephen R. Covey and Ken Blanchard."  

LDS-BSA Articles to support the Wood Badge Training:

The premier training for Scouting leaders in the Boy Scouts of America is the week-long Wood Badge for the 21st Century course…provide a foundation from which adult Primary and Young Men leaders can establish highly successful, results-oriented Scouting units that are firmly rooted in priesthood and Scouting principles.

“It helps adults feel at ease and better prepared to be effective leaders.”

“Scout training changed me; more important, it changed the young me… My training gave us a uniform, organized way to help the young men plan their activities. I didn’t have to reinvent the wheel; I just had to implement my training.”

“As it always turns out, that one week experience was a life changing experience for the four of us.”

“There was indeed a consensus that this Wood Badge was one of the most moving, rewarding, powerful, life changing experiences we have felt.”

“Trained leaders with vision, testimony and commitment save souls.”

“…taught the importance of having each adult leader properly trained, so that they can serve the youth to the best of their ability. They promoted Wood Badge…”

“It is vital that we, as Priesthood and Aaronic Priesthood/Young Men leaders take training seriously.”

“Wood Badge is life-changing because it has to do more with vision and understanding this great tool for strengthening young men of the Aaronic Priesthood than anything else.”

“The call is for every leader, including stake presidency members working with youth, high councilors, stake Young Men presidents, Bishoprics, ward Young Men leaders and Scouting leaders, to be trained.”

An Aid for Calling and Training LDS Scout Leaders – It is recommended that every leadership position attend Wood Badge Training.