Wood Badge for the 21st Century * Leadership Training * June 15-17 & 22-24, 2017
Responses to the last Post about the "Spirit of Wood Badge"
I hope to have a opportunity to surve on
the staff this summer at Wood Badge, &
have requested to do for the same reasons & feelings you have express hear,
I hope that my request is accepted & I
can return to Gilwell one more time before
I return to my father in heaven, that would
be a dream come true, to be with the best
of the best one last time! My O My !
This picture evokes lots of feelings. It's a bittersweet feeling. It makes you happy but breaks your heart at the same time! It holds memories of things that can never be recreated but at the same time a promise for the future! I miss my Wood Badge family!
Tara pretty much summed up my feelings, but I feel an additional sadness. I will not have the opportunity to see this view when I staff Wood Badge this year.
This scene is so bitter sweet. Having had the opportunity to staff at this particular Woodbadge course was a blessing in disgise. Every course I have been on was inspired. The people there were supposed to be there. I have made lifelong friends and learned something new every time. This particular day that you took this photo, was filled with laughter and tears, we made amazing friends, memories, and connections thay we get to carry for the rest of our lives. I hope everyone has the desire and opportunity to attend.
Woodbadge is one of those things that you don't even realize the GREATNESS that you are missing until you have been! It has effected my life in so many ways. It has made me better. It was a big sacrifice for sure, I have found though that normally great things always require sacrifice. Don't put it off anymore. Come enjoy something GREAT with Chad and I.
I loved last summer adventure at
Troop 1 W2-107-16-2. It a is one
of kind leadership training for all
who attended for sure! If you want
to have a real life changing event
in your life attend Wood Badge &
you won't believe what you will
see, hear, experience, be shown,
learn, grow, be with people you come to love & care about forever! This
is truly an one in a lifetime dream
come true to you & your friends &
family on this earth. You need to
check this one out, I promise you
this one is for real, and will do
wonderful things to you and your
family for ever. We are all leaders
for those we know an care about,
the real question is what kind of
a leader do you want to be for those
whom you love & care about? You
can change, get better, improve for
everyone you come in contact with
through you life here and beyond
this life, and here is you golden
chance. Contact me or anyone
know who you know that's been
at Wood Badge and change your
life even more for the better to all!
Even the most talented, can fit in
and even get better, that means
even you! MY O MY!!!!
As I have taught Scouts, the best and hardest part is seeing them advance. So happy that they achieved and accomplished their objectives and then the realization sets in that it also means they are moving on. I look at the empty space as a symbol of a job well done, leadership skills built, friendships made, valuable understanding of the program instilled, the continuation of connections and relationships; if you could see the threads that connect back to this point, you would see all the good that was done and felt during Wood Badge and more! I think it would be overwhelming to know the full impact.