Why should you go to Wood Badge?

Why should you go to Wood Badge ?~ Presented to a group of LDS Stake Leaders. Reference to Dahlquist Article 2007 link on right hand side.

It has been said by many General Authorities and Prophets including: David O McKay, Gordon B. Hinckley and most recently Thomas S. Monson “What ‘er thou art act well thy part”. Tonight, and always, I am a scouter. I was born into a scouting family with a great scouting tradition. I love what scouting teaches. I love the adventure scouting brings. I love how it has influenced my life from the start. I love the friendships that I have developed through scouting, and I love the continued life lessons I learn each day, week, month and year through scouting.

I am going to cut to the point, I believe you all know the good that can and does come from scouting for millions of young men, I am here tonight to invite you to attend one of the five upcoming Wood Badge courses offered by our council. I want to emphasize how important this training is to all of us so please before you totally turn off because I said Wood Badge let me take 5 minutes and go through the letter you have from Charles Dahlquist, former young mens general president of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

He starts “It is vital that we as Priesthood and Aaronic Priesthood/Young Mens leaders take training seriously. We are part of this great partnership with Boy Scouts of America for very specific reasons… that our young men will be blessed and better prepared for missions and for the blessings of the temple”.

I think because of recent decisions of the B.S.A. some leaders and young men’s leaders believe that scouting is quickly on its way out of the church. They believe that the church will produce its own program. In 2013 on the 100th anniversary of the partnership of scouting and the church President Monson said “Impossible to measure is the great good which has come from this organization during the past century…I believe in scouting. I believe in the goals of the organization. I believe in the power of scouting to bless and enrich lives for good”. President Monson continues to support scouting today. On August 26th 2015, the church released a statement: “At this time, the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints will go forward as a chartering organization of BSA, and as in the past, will appoint scout leaders and volunteers who uphold and exemplify church doctrine, values, and standards”.

The church is in scouting. President Monson is in scouting. The quorum of the twelve is in scouting. I ask rhetorically are you?

Brother Dahlquist says “If we fully participate, our young men will be blessed and better prepared for missionary service and for the blessings of the temple.” Fully participate is the key phrase to the success of the young men. He continues “If we are really intent in touching the lives of our young men in building, as Elder Ballard has challenged, “the greatest generation of  missionaries this world has ever seen” then we will do whatever is necessary to help us to accomplish that-including getting trained. For the most part of us, Wood Badge is life changing because it has to do more with vision and understanding this great tool (scouting) for strengthening young men of the Aaronic Priesthood than anything else”

I can also testify that Wood Badge for me was, and continues to be, a life changing experience. I learned more about myself in two weekends of Wood Badge than I did from any formal schooling and it rivaled the 2 years I spent as a missionary for this great church. I learned communication skills, conflict resolution skills, team development and leadership skills, and many others that I had never learned before. It has been said that similar training in the cooperate world would cost well over $1500 and there is no way it could be as fun. Wood Badge incorporates the most important part of Scouting in its training “the outing”

You will spend two successive weekends (Thursday through Saturday) or a full week living the best parts of scouting. You will be organized into patrols; the member of your patrol will go from complete strangers to life-long friends over the course. You will learn leadership skills through scout games and activities. You will have the chance to camp, cook and have tons of fun. If camping is no longer your favorite thing our council has invested a lot of time and money into building heated facilities for the trainings and for sleeping. There is enough room for everyone to sleep on a bed with a mattress if desired. They even have limited hook ups for campers if that sounds better still.

You might, at this point, be thinking I have nothing to do with scouting right now. I go back to Brother Dahlquist who says “The call is for every leader, including stake presidency members working with youth, high councilors, stake Young Men presidencies, Bishoprics, ward Young Men leaders and Scouting leaders, to be trained. I know companies that don’t even allow a new employee to step into the plant or office until he has received initial trainings. They do that because they know that, without training, most individuals will be ineffective in the job they were hired to do. And yet, we call leaders to strengthen, motivate and prepare young men for missionary service and life in general-without one iota of training”. I promise the skills learned at Wood Badge apply to more things in life than just scouting. Who doesn’t need a little more conflict resolution when it comes to marriage and children?

In closing I echo the words of Judah in the Old Testament. You might recall Judah was an older brother to Joseph who was sold into Egypt and then became Pharaoh’s right hand man. Judah and his brothers came to Egypt to get food because of famine and didn’t recognize Joseph. Joseph hid a cup in Benjamin’s, the brother who Judah had previously said could not leave their father or else he would die, sack of food as they were leaving and had them brought back to the palace as if they were in trouble. Judah worried for Benjamin and especially his father, who had already gone through the pain of losing one son, says “For how shall I go up to my father, and the lad be not with me?” Wood Badge has given me skills to be able to go up to the father and have all the lads, including my own sons be with me and I will be eternally grateful for it.